Two Color Pinstripes

$ 23.95$ 48.95





Two Color Pinstripes

 150 foot roll provides enough material to do your vehicle and extra that can be saved should something unforeseen occur.

Included with the pinstripe roll:

3M vinyl application sheet.

Vinyl application squeegee which will allow the vinyl to be pressurized to insure proper adhesion to the surface after it is applied.

Click to Enlarge

Stripe Configuration
22252 – 3/16″ x 150′  1/16″ stripe 1/16″ void 1/16″ stripe $23.95                                       
22452 – 1/4″ x 150′ 1/16″ stripe 1/16″ void 1/8″ stripe $27.95                
24452 – 5/16″ x 150′ 1/16″ stripe 1/8″ void 1/8″ stripe $44.95                
44852 – 1/2″ x 150′ 1/8″8 stripe 1/8″ void 1/4″ stripe $49.95





Click to Enlarge

Opaques Metalics
Stripe Configuration  * Refer to separate page for metalics
2225 – 3/16″ x 150′ – 1/16″ Stripes with 1/16″ Void  $20.00 $25.00 $30.00
2245 – 1/4″ x 150′ – 1/16″ Stripe, 1/16″ Void, 1/8″ Stripe  $25.00 $30.00 $35.00
2445 – 5/16″ x 150′ – 1/16″ Stripe, 1/8″ Void, 1/8″ Stripe  $26.95 $32.95 $36.95
4485 – 1/2″ x 150′ – 1/8″ Stripe, 1/8″ Void, 1/4″ Stripe  $32.00 $41.00 $48.00



SINGLE COLOR STRIPES Widths      link below for single color stripes

Stripe Configuration Opaques Metalics
805- 1/4″ X 150′ $19.95 $22.95
1605- 1/2″ X 150′ $34.95 $38.00
2805- 7/8″ X 150′ $44.95 $49.95
3205- 1″ X 150′ $54.00 $61.95