1971-1972 Dodge Demon Tail Panel Stripe

$ 65.00$ 90.00

1971-1972 Dodge Demon Tail Panel Stripe



1971-1972 Dodge Demon Tail Panel Stripe

Stripe kit includes:

Tail Panel Stripe with cutouts for rear tail light section.

Kit Includes:

Vinyl application squeegee

3M vinyl information application sheet.

Color Choices:

Matte black.

Gloss black

Antique white


Paint Stencil for those wishing to paint there stripes on.


Dual Snorkel Hood Stencil or Stripe

The 1971 and 1972 Dodge Demon Dual Snorkel Hood Scoop Featured a Multi-Line Stripe for Sides of Hood with the center section painted matte black. Available in a paint stencil or matte black vinyl which can be applied after the center of hood is painted. 

This model featured a dual body side stripe starting on the fender, door and continuing onto the quarter panel and gradually getting wider.

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